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Hornbach Video: Made From Real Armour Steel
DisneyXD Video: Chain Reactions
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp Video: Picture
Castello Commercial: Balanced
Conducive to Conductivity
GoldieBlox: This is Your Brain on Engineering
GoldieBlox: GoldieBlox Playground Easter Build
California Convention Center B-Roll
Energy-Efficient Data Centers B-Roll
Andy Awards Video: Genius Commercial
Ethanol Fuel Emissions Testing and Vehicle
Fuel Cell Manufacturing B-Roll
Systems Installed in Commercial Buildings B-Roll
High Gain Solar Pilot Project B-Roll
Romanian Invention
High Gain Solar Research and Deployment B-Roll
Home Energy Assessment Overview-Virginia B-Roll
Hydroelectric Dams – Interiors B-Roll
Large-Scale Application of Wind Energy B-Roll
Dorr: Digital technology and movies
Microalgae-to-Biofuel Technology B-Roll
Microturbines B-Roll
Residential Photovoltaic Solar Panels B-Roll
Solar Decathlon 2015: Opening Ceremony
Black Lotus Miniatures
Solar Photovoltaic Training Facility B-Roll
Sleepthinker: Save Matt. Every Thousand Matters
Marine Artist Unveils Work in D.C.
Electric Bulb
Speck Goes to Maker Faire
Anamorphic Architecture
Henry Ford And Steam Engine
Projection Mapping on 3D Cubes at Paris
New Tech at AHS: This is who we are
Claymation II
Since There’s No Place To Go…
Face Tracking With Van Halen
Aquarium - an Art Intervention
Appetites For IPad [Teaser]
Monolithe Exposition “ALORS? 2012!”
Mapping Bishop Palace
Loochi, the Party Lamp !
The Freedom of Man
Mignon Steel - Transmitter Exploration of Paint
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