Oglądaj darmowe wideo Life in America Under Agenda 21, Part 3

(87.9 MB) dodano 21 May 2016 124 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek Społecznościowe Politic TV Show
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Life in America Under Agenda 21, Part 3

Opis animacji:

Agenda 21. What is it? A plan for every every aspect of your life in the 21st century. Where you work, what work you're allowed to do, and how you get there, have all been planned in advance. Small towns are eliminated, and returned to nature - where the common man is not allowed. Everyone except the elite are herded into beehive-like cities, isolated from nature. This is the "sustainable" society of the future.
Science fiction? Hardly. This is the face of the very real Agenda 21, carefully hidden from view until it is too late to resist it. And yet the United Nations has published it in official manuals, and it is being implemented in areas all across the United States! Probably it is being discussed and implemented to some degree where you are, right now.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt was Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education. In the `80s she exposed government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge is an uncommon insight into insidious machinations of globalist elitists and their plans for your future.