Oglądaj darmowe wideo Re-incentivise virtues of uni-tasking and solitude

(7.56 MB) dodano 12 Apr 2017 61 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek Edukacyjne Biznes Społecznościowe Tutorial Technology
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Re-incentivise virtues of uni-tasking and solitude

Opis animacji:

It is kind of like learning... I think there are two virtues that our culture does not reward us for, but that we need to learn to find an intrinsic a reward for, and the first is the virtues of solitude. Because I think there is a kind of solitude that refreshes and restores and that is at the basis of creativity, at the basis of healthy collaboration, that our culture of continual connection is teaching us to forget how to do. I think the virtues of doing one thing at a time, of really giving something our full attention, is something that, again, our culture of continual connection and technology of many windows is causing us to forget. And these two virtues are things that both in our personal and in our business life have high reward in the long run but are things we need to re-incentivise.
